The Chocolate Kingdom

Deliverables: Instagram feed & post, poster design, and product photography.

Designed at: Borrows Studio

Tools/techniques – Photoshop, Indesign and DSLR camera



Our brief was to select a past piece of work (completed within our degree) and give that project a complete make-over. This is an opportunity to challenge ourselves and apply our new and improved skills to completely change the overall design approach.

Creative approach

The project was created in an advertisement elective. Our task was to develop a report and two A4 draft advertisements for a local business. This project had the most potential for a more promising outcome and had the flexibility to incorporate the new skills and techniques I've learned. The deliverables I planned to produce were social media posts, 1 A4 poster and, food photography using a DSLR camera. My approach was to create a vibrant, family-friendly and playful design to help encourage their target audience based on the advertisement report from the unit.


Instagram Feed


Parramatta Square


Product Photography