Local Creatures

Deliverables: App design & poster design

Designed at: Borrows Studio

Client: Parramatta City Council

Tools/techniques: Illustrator, photoshop and figma

App design team Chantelle Arancon (Lead designer) Tyrone Morgan (Local creatures) Alex Little (Navigation page)



Our team was brief to consider how visual communication affects perceptions and experiences of public space by investigating:

1. The experience of the Parramatta Square (PS) public domain from the perspective of a young person, resident, or visitor.

2. Innovate new ways that Council could regulate the public domain so that everyone feels safe, respected, and welcome.

3. Avoid installing signage that makes young people feel unwelcome

Local Creatures

The local creatures section within the app allows families and young people to discover different creatures located in Parramatta. The app provides information about the creatures and fun facts. Users can decide to use the feature called "Hidden creatures". This allows the users to find and unlock the creatures scattered around Parramatta Square. When all the creatures are unlocked, a message of completion appears and encourages users to visit Parramatta Park ( a 9 minute walk) to find the animals in real life. As a team, we thought this was a great incentive because Parramatta hosts major events and activities there.


QR Posters

Creating poster using vinyl stickers as they are more durable but not permanent. Each poster will have a QR code. When scanned, the QR code will direct the viewers to the app, unlocking the first hidden creature to encourage the viewers to learn about the local wildlife while exploring Parramatta Square. Which will then encourage the viewers to Parramatta park.


Design report

Our collaborative design report focusing on your observations, evaluation and, creative ideas for improving Parramatta Square public domain


WSU Mental Health & Wellbeing Team


Chocolate Kingdom